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How to setup your Hellonext account ⚙️

May 17, 2024

We are gratified to see that you've chosen Hellonext for collecting and managing your user feedback! Thank you for your trust in us. 🤝😄

Here’s how you can get started!

  • Once you sign up for a Hellonext account, you will be prompted to complete onboarding your product.

  • You can either Continue with Google or proceed with your email address, setup a password!

  • You can now create your new workspace, enter your product name, URL, choose your Privacy Preference and click on Finish creating my account.

Ensure that you have used the correct spelling as the name will be used to create your own custom subdomain on Hellonext allowing you to gather feedback from your customers. Once the subdomain is created, you can not change it. However, if you need to please send us an email to [email protected].

You can also set the Brand color, language and a logo by heading to the Dashboard -> Organization Settings -> Basic. Checkout our help article for more details on setting up your branding on Hellonext! 🎨

Do feel free to reach out to us if any queries should arise! Here’s to everything you would do with Hellonext. 🚀🥂


  • Will my account be created if I don’t complete the onboarding process?

    Yes, your account will still be created, but it will not be tied to any organization.

  • Can I resume my onboarding? I changed my mind.

    Yes, you can. Just login to Hellonext again using the same email address and you will be able to resume onboarding.

  • Will I be charged for creating an account?

    No you will not. You can use Hellonext for free to give feedback. However, if you choose to create an organization, you will have a trial period, after which you can choose from our paid plans.