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How to make a Board read-only on Hellonext

April 29, 2022

Sometimes it is nice to have a channel that offers a one-way communication with your users, where you are able to tell them what it is that you are working on and want to keep them in the loop. There is a simple way of making an informative Board read-only for your customers.

For a read-only Board, your customer will be able to vote or comment on a post, however, they will not have access to make submissions. Such authority will lie only with the Admin or the Team Member of the organization.

In order to make a Board of your choice as read-only, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Hellonext organization.

  2. Visit your Dashboard and click on Boards on the left panel.

  3. Choose the specific Board which you want to make read-only.

  4. Toggle to the Options tab for this Board, and scroll down to the Read Only Board option.

  5. Enabling this option will allow only read actions to be performed on this board. Your team members can still add posts from the Admin Panel.

And that’s it! Your customer’s interactions with your chosen Board have now been limited to only voting and commenting! In case of any queries, feel free to reach out to us at your convenience! We are always happy to help! ✨😁