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Fullstory Integration

June 10, 2022

FullStory is an intuitive digital experience analytics platform that provides you with key qualitative and quantitative insights. You can simply set the Hellonext domain on FullStory and provide the FullStory app ID to see your customers experience from within your FullStory account.

Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Navigate to Dashboard -> Organization Settings.

  2. Toggle to Integrations -> scroll to Fullstory.

  3. Login to your FullStory account and navigate to Settings > Data Capture and Privacy > Data capture > Capture data by domain > Add domain.

  1. You can find your FullStory Org Id in Settings > Data Capture and Privacy > FullStory Setup embedded in the FullStory snippet.

  2. Enter your FullStory app ID and click on Update.

Once done, you are all set to see insights on your FullStory dashboard and monitor them! Do feel free to reach out to us if any queries should arise! 😃✨